A brief overview of Energy 8 Project 2021 achievements and some plans for the future

Energy 8
3 min readDec 31, 2021

Our project was created in May 2021 and has already passed a huge number of tests and obstacles. It was not easy, but we made it through.

Initially, our token was launched on the BSC network, but we quickly realized that the unstable network, relatively high fees and low network speed were not suitable for us, so we chose the Polygon network and successfully moved there in the summer of 2021.

In parallel with the development of the contract and the transition to the blockchain Polygon, we worked on the main product. We have passed the phases of closed alpha and beta tests. We have made improvements and at the moment we are already at the stage of open beta testing of Energy8 technology on the minecraft server.

People are already playing and earning just right now. Although we have not yet arranged a major advertising company, attention to the project is growing due to the victory at the Polygon Hackathon , where the Energy8 project took first place. The judges appreciated our technical solutions and ways of implementing our technology.

Couple days ago we have deployed our Minecraft game on StackOS’ decentralized cloud using their recent Polygon Integration.
There are incredible advantages to this deployment including that StackOS makes us quite literally unstoppable! The cost of deploying on StackOS is also very cheap when compared to centralized cloud providers and this helps us cut down DevOps costs drastically and we can now spend those valuable resources on building our platform even further.

We also entered into a partnership agreement with YFDAI and we had a listing on their SafeSwap platform. We are glad to work together with this company. And of course we are proud to work together with Polygon Network, who are the official backer of the project.

At the moment, we are seeing a large influx of players to our server. Beta testing of our technology on the minecraft server is very active. Right now, a community of gamers is being created, game strategies are being developed and people are already making money using our technology. We are receiving applications from the owners of game servers for the possibility of using Energy8 technology on their servers.

When our product exits the beta stage and begins a full-scale marketing campaign, we expect an exponential increase in the recognition and price of our token, which will further add attractiveness to the project for potential investors.

We look with confidence into the future of our project. Energy8 is developing and will continue its development following the roadmap. Stay tuned. We are still at the very beginning of a glorious journey!



Energy 8

PLAY TOEARN! Currently, ENERGY 8 supports 2 PC games Minecraft and GTA 5. Future plan involves integration of ENERGY 8 into other games.