Energy8 Labs ltd

Energy 8
3 min readApr 25, 2022


A couple of years ago, the idea of the nascent GameFi sector improvement came to our mind. We set the goal to give people a universal tool for creating their own projects in the GameFi sector, without having to develop their own tools from scratch. Our ideas led us to build a unique bridge that connects the world of cryptocurrencies and the gaming world.

We have achieved our goal. We have a ready-made technological solution.

To present the proof of concept, we implemented it in Minecraft - famous game, that allows freedom, equality, and the ability to express oneself creatively. At the moment, people are already playing and earning money on our servers. More than 150 players are playing online and the numbers are growing. An internal ecosystem is being created, players participate in quests, auctions, mine resources, build and sell houses through the game currency, which can be withdrawn to an exchange and cashed out by using our solution.

The second game which proves the concept is GTA 5 Online — widely popular online mod, that fulfilled the dreams of millions of fans. Now it has entered the alpha testing stage. The planned launch of the open beta version will attract a huge audience of this world-famous game and will bring even more attention and good news which will definitely please our investors.

In the future, Energy8 plans to open its own blockchain, where game nodes will become validators, and each project will be able to deploy a Smart contract and turn into a Play-To-Earn genre without any problems. This blockchain will be completely focused on games and game projects. This will definitely attract the attention of the strongest funds.

8DAO - will become the main token of the Energy8 system. Its implementation will make it possible to turn a conventional bridge technology with a single router into a system of decentralized gaming nodes that will process transactions for the input / output of currency to / from game servers, and for this their owners will receive a percentage of the transaction amount. The token will also be used to buy/sell NFT, it can be sent to a regular staking and receive a profit for it, and a large number of other bonuses are planned for holders. The profit of the token owners will mainly go to reducing the issue (burning tokens).

$E8 is an already issued In-Game token that is used as a game balance on servers, as well as as rewards for various events and contests. In the future, the NFT improvement feature will be added, which will make the car in GTA5 even faster and more reliable, and the armor in Minecraft even stronger and stronger. Server owners will have to buy tokens from the market to create a pool of liquidity for their project, and developers’ profits also go to burning tokens.

“We are about to reach a new level and it’s time to transform from a garage startup of anonymous IT specialists into an official company that can present something to the market. ”

We are proud to introduce our company— Energy8 Labs ltd.

Registration of a company, a legal entity for our product, opens doors for us to the world of big business and great opportunities. So we congratulate our team, holders and partners with that! We are optimistic about the future. We are only at the beginning of the glorious way!



Energy 8

PLAY TOEARN! Currently, ENERGY 8 supports 2 PC games Minecraft and GTA 5. Future plan involves integration of ENERGY 8 into other games.